1997-2004 Chevy Corvette Mail Order Tuning
We can make adjustments for various engine modifications as well as engine swaps.
HP and Torque increases for a stock/bolt on engine will be similar to the following.
5.7L - 10-40HP
Your computer will be adjusted per your vehicle specifications to get the most out of your vehicle. Fuel and spark tables will be modified accordingly. We can modify almost anything in the computer programming, just some of the things you might want to think about are:
Just some of the things we can do:
Fan 1 and 2 Temperature On and Off Change
90 second fan on at key-off (this feature activates when engine coolant is (Your Thermostat Temp) degrees or greater)
Delete VATS
Change Axle Ratio
Change Tire Size
Remove speed limiter
Remove torque management - Torque abuse modes are modified to eliminate bog at launch
Remove unused engine codes (Leave in notes what you need turned off)
Emissions Removal For "NOT FOR STREET" rear O2, Cat, EVAP, EGR.
Remove throttle lag
Fueling modified for WOT (Wide Open Throttle) performance
Timing modified for WOT performance
Raised rev limiter
Raised shift points
Removes lag by changing downshift tables
Transmission line pressure increased
MAF calibration is year specific
PE engagement adjusted to reduce KR
Torque converter lockup tables modified to improve transmission life and eliminate converter lockup hunting
Correct VIN number
“Ghost Cam” For Posers
We can make adjustments for various engine modifications as well as engine swaps.
HP and Torque increases for a stock/bolt on engine will be similar to the following.
5.7L - 10-40HP
Your computer will be adjusted per your vehicle specifications to get the most out of your vehicle. Fuel and spark tables will be modified accordingly. We can modify almost anything in the computer programming, just some of the things you might want to think about are:
Just some of the things we can do:
Fan 1 and 2 Temperature On and Off Change
90 second fan on at key-off (this feature activates when engine coolant is (Your Thermostat Temp) degrees or greater)
Delete VATS
Change Axle Ratio
Change Tire Size
Remove speed limiter
Remove torque management - Torque abuse modes are modified to eliminate bog at launch
Remove unused engine codes (Leave in notes what you need turned off)
Emissions Removal For "NOT FOR STREET" rear O2, Cat, EVAP, EGR.
Remove throttle lag
Fueling modified for WOT (Wide Open Throttle) performance
Timing modified for WOT performance
Raised rev limiter
Raised shift points
Removes lag by changing downshift tables
Transmission line pressure increased
MAF calibration is year specific
PE engagement adjusted to reduce KR
Torque converter lockup tables modified to improve transmission life and eliminate converter lockup hunting
Correct VIN number
“Ghost Cam” For Posers
We can make adjustments for various engine modifications as well as engine swaps.
HP and Torque increases for a stock/bolt on engine will be similar to the following.
5.7L - 10-40HP
Your computer will be adjusted per your vehicle specifications to get the most out of your vehicle. Fuel and spark tables will be modified accordingly. We can modify almost anything in the computer programming, just some of the things you might want to think about are:
Just some of the things we can do:
Fan 1 and 2 Temperature On and Off Change
90 second fan on at key-off (this feature activates when engine coolant is (Your Thermostat Temp) degrees or greater)
Delete VATS
Change Axle Ratio
Change Tire Size
Remove speed limiter
Remove torque management - Torque abuse modes are modified to eliminate bog at launch
Remove unused engine codes (Leave in notes what you need turned off)
Emissions Removal For "NOT FOR STREET" rear O2, Cat, EVAP, EGR.
Remove throttle lag
Fueling modified for WOT (Wide Open Throttle) performance
Timing modified for WOT performance
Raised rev limiter
Raised shift points
Removes lag by changing downshift tables
Transmission line pressure increased
MAF calibration is year specific
PE engagement adjusted to reduce KR
Torque converter lockup tables modified to improve transmission life and eliminate converter lockup hunting
Correct VIN number
“Ghost Cam” For Posers